You put a lot of time and money into your home. Home insurance is one means to protect your investment. Understanding your personal needs, you bring together a package of different coverages to provide as much protection as you feel necessary. Home insurance can protect you from damages to your home, its contents or even from financial liability if someone outside of your household is injured and you are found to be responsible. Taking the time now to understand home insurance will help you to fend off potential financial misfortune in the future.
A basic home policy covers perils, which are specifically named risks such as lightning, theft, fire, smoke, wind and explosion. One thing to remember with this type of policy; any risk that is not mentioned specifically in your policy is not covered. From some insurance companies you are able to purchase special policies that cover the house for all perils except those explicitly excluded by the policy though, such as pet damage.
Auto insurance is more than a matter
of insuring your vehicle for loss or repairs after an accident. It is a
financial safety net that can help you offset the cost of:
Bodily injuries to yourself or
Lost wages due to injury
Benefits to survivors when an
accident results in death
Lawsuits brought against you as
the result of an accident
Repairs made to your auto
due to damage caused in an accident.
This Web site will guide you
through some important decisions about your automobile insurance. How
much coverage do you really need? How much liability insurance? Is
there any way to save money on auto insurance? First, you'll need to
know just what kinds of coverages are available. Many states require a
basic liability coverage, but you must decide how much additional
insurance you need. You select a package of insurance from standard
types of coverage - a package that will protect you, your family, your
vehicle and your assets. Your particular package could include:
Bodily Injury Liability
Property Damage Liability
Collision Coverage
Comprehensive Coverage
Medical Payments Coverage
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist
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No one likes to think about dying. Especially when
they're young. But every day, people die in car accidents, of illnesses
like cancer and AIDS and in fires or other accidents.
If something like that happened to you (or to your
husband or wife), what would happen to your family? Would they have
enough money to pay for:
- Your funeral costs
- Debts you owe like credit card bills, car
payments, or the mortgage on your home
- Child care
- Your children's education
- Retirement
The most important reason to buy life
insurance is to protect your family by making sure they have
enough money if something happens to you.
One type of insurance, called "permanent
insurance," can also help you save money for your
retirement or get collateral for a loan.
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Commercial insurance is essential to every
company. Costs have been rising as business risk has increased over the
years. Also, the costs of settling insurance claims have been rising as
well. In a recent survey by the Business Continuity Institute, it was
shown that 25% of companies who implemented a business continuity plan
in 2002 did so at the request or direction of their insurance company.
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Discover the Benefits of a Group
Health Plan
As a valuable component of a compensation
package, a group health insurance plan can help you hire and retain the
best workers. Plus, there are special tax incentives for businesses
that provide health insurance.
Your Health Insurance Partner
We're committed to helping you find the right
health insurance plan at the right price. And when you buy through us,
you'll get more than just a health insurance plan, you'll get a health
insurance partner.
Our Commitment to Your Business
Even after you buy, we'll help with all your
health insurance needs and serve as your advocate with the insurance
company. We'll even shop for competitive quotes for you when it's time
to renew.
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